
Showing posts from September, 2019

Wow time is flying by.... I can't believe that I have been here nearly three months...

                                So much to catch you all up on. Well to start with I have been sorely missing our " Finding Christ in the scriptures" series on Tuesday night. They had a summer break. We start again tonight, I am excited. The teacher is really amazing. I just found out that not only is he a CES (Church Education System)  teacher at the UCLA institute, but a Bishop of the singles ward. We have had some fun musical firesides recently with talented pianist, and musicians which have been nice. One lady  who is a regular at our library, and is always writing music and performing places did a patriotic evening for us. Which I quite enjoyed. Not only is she a talented pianist but her soprano voice surprised me totally. In the library she speaks with a lower voice but she belted out these songs in a strong delightful soprano voice. I was blown away, particularity seeing as she is quite ...

Reborn ing My first foray into a new artistic outlet

Before I forget, the day before all the hospital excitement, I started reborning my first two dolls. They are twins, one is a girl the other a boy. I wanted to try my hand at making them. I have watched several videos on Utube by different artists . Plus I watched the training video that came with the starter kit. They also sent a paint by number? booklet with lots of step by step photos. So far so good. I have done their veining and first layer of skin.  The next step witll be their blush tone, lips,fingernails, and eyelids.  drying before after washign the kit before painting. after their firtd coat temporary dryign stand created from chopsticks my friend gave me two dolls laid out one is Aspen and the other is Lief, they were molded from three D scans of live babies, by Bountiful Babies. They are one of the biggest suppliers of the vinyl kits. They just happen to be in Utah. This is my newest little guy. I love his painted hair. I need to take some...

Cedar Sinai Medical Hospital/ ER like LA traffic but good care

September 9th, let's liven things up a bit... Well, I am just glad to be out of the hospital! I went in Monday afternoon to the ER, with some left chest pain to just get a simple EKG. Then they kept me there much to my surprise.   It turned out that everything was fine, after several blood tests , ultrasounds, CT scans, two I.V.'s, EKGS and becoming a human pin cushion etc.  You don;t get any sleep there, that's for sure. An albuterol treatment took care of the pain and the problem ending up being expired inhalers?! Which we discovered on my discharge Wed am.  I had been exposed a week earlier to some PInesol fumes (while they were cleaning the chairs in the library) which set off a chemical reaction in my lungs causing them to burn and feel like someone was twisting my main air tube.  So Painful I had to leave the library for the entire day.  Apparently, it created some irritation between my lung lining and chest wall which is what sent me to the...

Authentic Hispanic food fiesta

I  jut have to share one of my best eats since I have been here. SIster Cordon decided to treat all teh senior missionaries to homemade tacos this week on Monday Yum Yum. We had handmade tortiallas,  and she made pico de gaillio (everyone said it was good, but I hate cilantro so I didn't eat any of it.) She also made shreadded beef and chicken flavored with her own seasonings. The flavors were amazing. She also brought a huge salad bowl filled with fresh chopped avacados. She had all the other fixin's there as well (lime,  mexicn cheese blend, sour cream, black beans, hot peppers, lettuce, oilives, I forgot what else . Some of the senior missionaries brought some salads and desserts. As it turned out, it was perfect timing because one of our office sisters  , Sister G, was leaving the next day to return home to Saint George. So it was kind of an impromptu good bye party for her. Admittedly I ate 3 tacos, they were so flavorful. Frankly I don't eat much. I just don't...

LIBRARY fun, outings, and sold my house!

So we had a large group of all ages who visited the Library on Saturday the 7th. We had primary aged children, who we split into two groups.  One of the gals who took the younger kids asked me to make her a beanbag so I whipped these up with the remenants of a dress I shortened for a missionary. It was nice becasue we had teens that were doing indexing, and adults doing family search. SO we were busy all day helping patrons which is the way I like it! I saw a Sister Missionary from Somoa who was wearing a jade green colored dress. I liked it so much that I found this one for me. All cotton , loose and comfortable yet nice looking. I guess we are having the dog days of summer now. So it has been hotter now then it was all summer. So I needed to order a few more tops for warmer weather. Wearing synthetic fabrics just makes me hot, so cotton it is for now. I jut got another one, cranberry colored. Love them both. So my house finally closed on Friday September 6th. it sold for...