A busy week learning new things and teaching my first mini class
Hi All, This has been a busy week as Tuesday and Wednesday I was in training all day. I just finished the intermediate class for Family Search. We learned some things like cutting, pasting, uploading information into our family search, how to capture images and attach them to people's records in Family search. We learned more about how to use Ancestry and some of the cool features that it has. We also learned how to find obituaries and various newspaper items. Some of these items are only accessible from the Library's computers. Anyway I managed to stay awake for most of the class. It helped that we had several different teachers who did more hands on training and helped us practice finding certain information. I have been meeting and getting to know some of other Missionaries serving in the Library here. All very interesting people from all over. I also have connected with some of the younger sisters here. Many from Asian countries and others ...