
Showing posts from July, 2019

A busy week learning new things and teaching my first mini class

Hi All,  This has been a busy week as Tuesday and Wednesday I was in training all day.  I just finished the intermediate class for Family Search. We learned some things like cutting, pasting, uploading information into our family search, how to capture images and attach them to people's records in Family search. We learned more about how to use Ancestry and some of the cool features that it has. We also learned how to find obituaries and various newspaper items. Some of these items are only accessible from the Library's computers. Anyway I managed to stay awake for most of the class. It helped that we had several different teachers who did more hands on training and helped us practice  finding certain information. I have been meeting and getting to know some of other Missionaries serving in the Library here. All very interesting people from all over.     I also have connected with some of the younger sisters here. Many from Asian countries and  others ...

Chinese Food Fest and New Friends

So When Iwas at the grocery store Saturday night I saw that they had some Chinese dumplings/potstickers on sale. Since we have a handful of sisters from China, Taiwan, Korea and (Japan I think ) I decided to cook them some potstickers as  a surprise tonight. They usually take turns eating in shfits at the lunchroom in the Visitor's center. Often these Sisters don't have a lot of food prep time. So as I was sitting with my new friend Sister W (who is a volunteer specialist in Chinese Family Search) I began thinking about the food in my freezer and frig what I needed to use up. So I ended up  making a hamburge low mein with  angel hair pasta, onions, mushrooms, green peppers, and celery. I made a light sauce with cornstarch using some  beef bullion, garlic salt, kitchen bouquet and some squirts of soy sauce froma packet I got at the Chinese restaurant.. Then I discovered a second rice cooker in my cupboards, (I had brought one with me) So I whipped up some s...

Pioneer Party with a twist of lime

Hi All, yes it has been busy and I have been dropping into bed every night with relief. It has all been good. I swiped the following from my friend'd faeebook page to save typing time. " We occasionally get special blessings. Check out below what somebody brought in for the Familysearch staff today..Goodness gracious! What a treat." I had a silver of a piece. Honestly I am not a big fan of cheesecake unless it is my mom's pineapple one that is quite light. Probably becuase of my lactose issue. "Tonight, the local church members celebrated PIONEER DAY. Someone set up a kid-friendly mechanical bull. There were bounce houses and slides.Tons of food: street tacos, beans, rice, hot dogs, watermelon, various salads, chips, cookies."  There were sliced cooked carrots but  to my surpirs they were spicy.  I passed on those. DInner was all great and filling and it was fun to watch them make three flavors of meat tacos. It was fun to meet new...

Teaching English to local immigrants

So I was invited in by our Mission President,  Pres Cordon *to met with  is wife and the area? Regional representative for all the  church self reliance programs in California? I think it is. .  Anyway My mission President wants me to be trained by the Rep in these English Teaching Programs . see below.  Then I am to  tell him* about it . Then I need to find out all the stakes who are running this program and where and when the classes are, so we can invite people to it. I create a flyer that we can hand out to people to invite them.  We want to help the many immigrant here (who want to learn English) to do so.  This will in turn help them their  improve their skills. From there they can start attending the Church's pathway program that prepares them for college. For free if they want to access more education.  So then here is the challenging part then is I am to help train other teachers about this program, and I think I ...

Getting the hang of things, and swinging into new adventures

Note: My new badge stating my specific  mission My institute class schedule these were many of the similarities we were able to draw between Joseph's life and the Savior's. However while Joseph saved his people physically , the Savior saves us spiritually. As promised here are the men up on the scaffolding fixing the Angel Moroni. They have also been tearing up the parking lot to install new led? lighting. It is going to be nice to have good lighting all the way to the apartments. It is just a mess and a lot of noise right now. Thank goodness in the library we don't hear it all. Small commercial. My babies are enjoying the attention from the Sister Missionaries. Since we can't hold or babysit babies or kids while on our mission for safety reasons this is the next best thing. All the missionaries have been hard at work. Everyone of them has a service day every two weeks. So most of them are working at least one service day from 8-2 on the temp...