MTC Friends

Nice laundry facility

A couple from my district. Her husband was a total crack up. They are serving in South America. what a great sense of humor and quick wit.

The couple on the right were newlyweds. Their spouses both passed away within a year of each other. They met at the St George temple and became friends and then 6 month later ended up getting married. Then a year later they decided to go on a mission and  have been called to serve in Somoa. They were darling. Wished I was going with them.

This couple was our "ohers" that we practiced teaching on/ They are serving in Africa and were wonderful. He taught at the Unversity in Logan for years. They are awesome.. I Miss them.

this was our fabulous teacher on the left Sister Farnsworth. She would make a great daughter in law hitn hint. She is 22.  
Seated in fron of me in my dear sweeet companion she is 75 and  serving a mission! So Awesome!!

These were selfies  I took with my badge  I was so excited to be wearing it finally after waiting 41 years~!

My distric they were all so wonderful..
The the man in the middle back had us laughing a lot. He can do the best Mafia Mobster imitation. HE ought to be on stage!

you ought to recognize this young missionary on the left! HE took care of my yard fro three years.

My companion. We had our own rooms but worked together in our classes.

This couple was so fun and spiritual.

Don't be fooled by this guy's calm demeaner I was sharing in class about how my church of childhood bleived in teh nicean creed about God being soem kind of cloud and I sadi "How can you connect to a could" HE quipped: You can , but you just need the internet to do it!" Needless to say his quick wit brought us many laughs and smiles. 

Their name was tough to pronounce correctly but I worked at it and finally got it right on the last day. She was a nurse and helped me with my eye drops to help my eye infection  .

Another one of our teachers, turns out he grew up in Saint Louis and knew my Uncle Menlo Smith. Small world!

My Senior companion!

I wish I had a son for her! She is darling and spiritual and would make mom in law thrilled to have her.


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