My first convert baptism Estreniah Radcliff from Canada
I met Estreniah in the library a few months ago. We got talking, about life. I was helping her with the family search for a bit. She is nanny here, and it was her night off.
She had majored in Sociology and me in psych. We both love kids and had a lot to talk about. She sent part of her later life in foster care. So someday she wants to be a foster parent too. Which lead to our discussion about the challenge of raising children who have experienced early trauma.
I introduced her to another Sister to help her. A few days later she came again with more questions. This time the questions were about the church.
We are only allowed to answer questions about family history and bear a brief testimony about why we do family history work, I did just that.
We are not allowed to proselytize in the Library. We want people to feel comfortable coming here.
Since she still had more questions I introduced her to the younger Sister missionaries from upstairs in the visitor's center (as is the procedure)
They just happened to come down to the library right at that moment. So they chatted a bit and set an appt with her for later.
Meanwhile, I had seen her a few times here and there but I was busy with other assignments. Or she was busy working away with other Family Search Missionaries on her family history.
Two months later I saw her again. This time I had a chance to say Hi. she asked me if I remembered her. I said I did though I couldn't recall her name. Maybe I never asked her for it. She told me she was getting baptized.. I was really surprised. I had no idea. She said I started it, and jokingly said it was all my fault. Well, I guess I can take a little credit. However, it was her decision and choice to follow the Savior is all hers alone. Needless to say, her baptism was Sunday, Dec 15th . so I made her a baptism towel with her name on it. I watched her get baptized and confirmed. Later she stayed at my apt for a little while. So I got to know her better. She needed to find a new place to live since her nanny job suddenly gave her only a week's notice that they wanted her to live out. However, they were not paying her enough for her to be able to afford to do that.
She said I could post these pictures of her.
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