
Showing posts from November, 2019

My ninth cousin and new friend again. "They deserve to be remembered" special event.

So my friend  J Y came to visit. I  guess I  have been a good? influence on her. She came last week for the Intermediate Family search class. I told her how we needed 9 local service missionaries to staff the library.  So I showed her opportunities online. She told me on Wed that she has decided to apply to becomes a Church service Missionary. So I showed her where to sign up online. She was quite tickled to find out that she could come and serve here at the library with me. I am excited too because now I will have a friend to hang out with occasionally. She also happens to be a professional librarian by trade. So she is going to be a great asset. Not to mention she knows more about family search than I do and has had way more experience.  We had lunch together. I had just gotten a new order of a few dresses that are lightweight cotton for the heat here.  So I tried them on and had her look at the colors on me. All were a good color on me except one. Whi...

Have I mentioned I love dogs?

 This is Amy and she is a member of the Cordon family.  She is a Saint Charles Cavalier. My son Ben has one as well.  She was Anadel's only in house playmate for a long time until Anadel got siblings. The Mission President and his wife needed to attend a Mission President's training workshop up in Portland with about 20 or more other Missionary Presidents for four days.  So they asked me if I could take care of and feed Amy every day and walk her, and take her out a few times a day. Needless to say, I happily agreed because I miss our doggies, Toby and Roxy. Anyway, she spent some time at my apartment with me on my p day and made herself quite at home. She is a very gentle dog and very obedient. I have never heard her bark. However, the apt place said pets were not allowed here. So  I had to take her back to their house. Sister Cordon said I could sleep in their guest room at night until they got home late Friday night. That was a nice change having ...

A thank you note

The night before heading down to the Newport Beach temple, I had had my windows open, I was up late because I was having a hard time getting comfortable in my bed. My neck was stiff so I was heating up a heating pad. I heard a truck pull up and looked out my kitchen window to see a fire. ambulance type vehicle there. COncerned (Because we have many older patrons staying here at times) I decided to go and see if they needed any help. like a ride to the hospital for instance. It was 12:45 am I was pretty sure I was the only one awake, Since our apt complex is pretty mucha U shape it was easy for me to spot from the hallway balcony where the paramedics were. It turned out to be a single gal here who had suddenly been hit with either food poisoning or the violent flu. She was dizzy and sweating and ran to the bathroom to relieve herself using both toilet and garbage can. When she tried to get up, she passed out and hit her head on the side of the tub. When she came to she was having trou...

October clam dinner Halloween themed. Game was a Halloween themed Concentration?

Our apple cranberry juice was bubbling with some added dry ice. A nice effect. Deviled avocado eggs with candy eyes, of course, you could use a squirt of mayo with a silver of olives on them as well. They were really good. Decorations provided by one of our local service misisonaries Three pumpkin flavored desserts and one banana pudding with vanilla wafers. Fruit salad and green salad with a side of corn casserole/ Or maybe it was corn pudding? It was really good, I had never had it before. A sister from Texas made it, Five soup choices: clam chowder, minestrone, chicken noodle, taco soup, and broccoli cheddar I think. She has pretty placemats and squashes adorning the tables.  The game we played had numbers 1-5 under five different categories, candy, pumpkins, traditions, Halloween history and one other. Everyone got a turn to guess one with help of course. Some were really interesting facts like what country Vampire bats are from.

Trunk or treat! Trunks decorated for Halloween treat giving.

Spooky Mummy Skeleton Nightmare? Webs Crazy A large spider the trick or treat candy bowl was placed under the spider. He had  spider webbing as well (it is all now in teh bag)  Ghoulish music with candles and a caldron

More cuteness

The other Avengers A young girl escaping the clutches of a dinosaur. Fortunately, his arms were not long enough to pry her from the fence. Another family theme "Frozen" the baby was Olaf, see hat. the two little girls were, of course, Anna and Elsa. My favorite twin boys in their favorite colors. A fireman with his dalmation dog sibling. This one is for Katie. Captain Marvel was there in dog form. Or maybe she was wonder woman I can't remember.

ok I have to say these are fun pictures of our trunk or treat party at the local ward. If you don't like seeing clever family themed costumes, then pass this post by.

Airline pilot baby with Mom as stewardess and Dad as the ground crew guider with headphones and flashlights. The incredible family was there in full force, Dinosaur riding, clever costume. A little sheriff Ensy weensy spider, with Dad rain and Mom sun A friend of mine, she joined the church last year. She is from a Persian speaking country and is a great cook! Persian speaking Missionaries. Mon and Dad become the choo choo train for this little engineer. I finally got a new companion. She is a real dinosaur, old and wise. Harry Potter made his appearance. I haven't seen him in awhile. They served a nice dinner, I saw this cute little pumpkin at my table. Ok appropriate for California, A Shark! I wasn't able to get this family in its entirety. The younger son was dressed as a UTe football player, Dad was a referee, Mom a cheerleader and the new baby as the football! I also ran into the avengers. Quite a few of them were there. Ok,...