A Visit from Good friends on Oct 16th and the Newport Temple visit In Irvine, Calif. October 19th and meet up with friends.

So I was thrilled to pieces that my good friends and neighbors came here for a visit. They planned to spend Wed with me and then take their two youngest girls to Disneyland on Thur/Fri and hit the beach on Sat. Originally we had planned to have dinner and then go to the temple together. However, by the time they landed at 5:30 and got their rental car, it was 6 ish and traffic was still awful. They didn't get here until neary 7:20 (Despite the fact that I am normally w/o traffic only 15 minutes from the airport.) So we decided to go and do baptisms at the temple. There was a lovely chapel off to the side of the baptistry, where we were able to visit quietly while we waited. Afterward, I took them over to see the Family search Library where I spend most of my time. It is across the street/parking lot from the temple. I was able to introduce them to some of my friends, and Sister Cordon, the mission's president's wife. She is very sweet. I also i...