
Showing posts from October, 2019

A Visit from Good friends on Oct 16th and the Newport Temple visit In Irvine, Calif. October 19th and meet up with friends.

So I was thrilled to pieces that my good friends and neighbors came here for a visit. They planned to spend Wed with me and then take their two youngest girls to Disneyland on Thur/Fri and hit the beach on Sat.  Originally we had planned to have dinner and then go to the temple together. However, by the time they landed at 5:30 and got their rental car, it was 6 ish and traffic was still awful.  They didn't get here until neary 7:20 (Despite the fact that I am normally w/o traffic only 15 minutes from the airport.)  So we decided to go and do baptisms at the temple. There was a lovely chapel off to the side of the baptistry, where we were able to visit quietly while we waited.   Afterward, I took them over to see the Family search Library where I  spend most of my time. It is across the street/parking lot from the temple. I was able to introduce them to some of my friends, and Sister Cordon, the mission's president's wife. She is very sweet. I also i...

We did a Senior night and went and saw the new Downton Abbey movie.

Happy birthday to my 3rd grandson, who just turned 6. He wanted a dinosaur bike helmet for his birthday. A fun extra you can on family search.  Have the computer scan your face and it will tell you who you look like the most. on Friday night the 20th?  We went out as a group for Indian Food, it was good.  A little too strong for my taste. What you see after the food, is outfits from the movie.                                                                                                                                                                 ...


So I needed to shorten this dress nearly 19" for a sister Missioanry that was returning home. this is the skirt that I made Katie for her birthday. Brief doggie commercial. I miss Roxy and Toby. nd results of the dress, we ended up adding a four-inch ruffle to match the ruffle on the sleeves.

Sept 15th forward.. Beautiful chapel

SO we had a stake conference over the weekend of Sept 14th-15th. We had it at a stake center 20 min away in downtown Los Angeles. Actually, it was the most unusual chapel that I have ever been too. it was not your traditional LDS chapel. The outside looked like an old Spanish Mission or cathedral. There were stained glass windows as well as beautiful woodwork. Here are the pictures. The stake conference was quite inspirational. We had several good speakers.  We also heard from President and Sister Cordon. They asked me to write down any mistakes that they made. Which I did. I went over her talk with her, the following week. So we could get some of the constants down to help her be understood more easily. In any event, it was a very lovely building.

October already?!

Hi All, I was excited today to find out that the gift I made my good friend Fran actually arrived on her birthday today. I made it with Mixbooks, similar to Shutterfly publishing app. Usually, I use but I wanted to do some colorful pages. It turned out well. I combed her and her children's facebook pages to find photos to add to the ones that I already had. It made up a nice book. She was thrilled as was I at her reaction. Ok so let me catch you up... This week on Monday, Sept. 30th  I prepared food, etc from 10 until 4 with help from others.  We had about 44 people for dinner, 30 ish new missionaries coming in, along with four sisters from Nauvoo (who will serve here for six months), and a new senior couple from Hawaii. Brother and Sister K, who are Japanese and very delightful. Oct 1st, Tuesday I also worked in the library and helped with food prep from 10-2. We were feeding thirteen outgoing missionaries and mission office staff. the men...