
Showing posts from December, 2019

My hair is longer...

So I decided to grow my hair out since it costs $30 for a haircut around here at the cheap places.. On the way down to Daniel's in San Diego (I saw this huge building wrapped like a present,  I got permission to leave the mission for a few days so I could take Daniel to the hospital for his surgery on November 20th. I also stayed with him while he recouped. So Monday night to the following Sunday morning.

Bags of fun, temple bags, and little bags for temple workers.

these little bags were made by the lady who gave me the fabric. I thought they were a cute idea. we lucked out one afternoon, after all, the embassy wives came for a luncheon. They had a lot of Persian food leftover and offered it to all the staff in the library. I had a small lunch that day so I was very happy to have it. One missionary asked me to sew a tag that he could sew onto his temple bag, I actually sewed it on for him. HE WAS TICKLED!

November and still sunny!

Temple bags and pillowcases I embroider, though not the Korea one. That just gave me the idea. My friend Cindy Nemrow and her husband were mission presidents in Daejon , Korea in 2007? She has the Korean temple bags made for all their missionaries for a Christmas gift. These are the pillowcases they gave to all the sisters for the  Sister conference. Their them was "Trust in the Lord, with all your heart, might, mind and strength. I have been mending, hemming and shortening clothes also. Mostly it for the younger missionaries.

wow things have been busy...

So here is a quick recap of November... I spent a lot of time finishing the alterations on the dresses for the sister missionaries. They wore them for their big thanksgiving party. 19 dresses, 63 hours. I got paid for it. So now I have the money to purchase the supplies I need to embroider temple envelopes or pillowcases, or drawstrings bags for the missionaries. I usually give them to them, when they leave for home at the end of their mission. They seem to be pretty excited about receiving them. We finally got toys for the library from SLC so the kids can play while their parents work on computers nearby. We also received books, and legos and several other items. I also embroidered 80 pillows with the words "Trust in the Lord" with a heart around the word Lord for a sister conference. We now have nearly 80 sisters and 100 Elders. An ordinance worker who comes once a month  (for the week to work at the temple)  brought me three bags of fabric which also inc...